Coming Soon...Check back soon for our new page. A new page is being added since a new sister will be here soon (Due April 28th, 2010). Alexis and Riley along with their sister will be featured on the new page.

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

We're are growing up so fast...

The last couple of weeks have been busy for the girls. They came out of the incubators and were put in a crib together. They are sooooo adorable! Their first eye checkup came back with positive results - that their eyes were immature. This is expected for preemies.

They have been receiving less oxygen. Previously, they received a flow of oxygen that is blended. They are now receiving oxygen that is not blended, but only a very small amount. Both girls received their first "big girl" baths on September 23rd and started bottle feeding on September 25th. They only receive one bottle a day for now. This will continue until they are able to complete a full feeding from the bottle.

In addition to all this excitement, family has been able to hold both girls starting with their move to the Intermediate Care room (still part of the NICU, but referred to as the "feeder and grower" room). They moved to the Intermediate room on September 19th. That was one of the most exciting days since it means that they are that much closer to coming home!

Alexis and Riley in their new crib

And the girls weighing in at...

Alexis - 4 pounds 13 ounces
Riley - 4 pounds 9.5 ounces

Mommy and Daddy with the girls

Mommy feeding Alexis

Daddy feeding Riley

The girls have done so well with the bottle feeding. We were told that we should only expect the speech therapist to determine which nipple works best on the first day and that the first couple feedings would be small. However, like the girls have been doing all along, they like to prove everyone wrong. They were both able to take half of their first feedings with the bottle. That was really good news. Since that went so well, Mommy and Daddy have been helping with the feedings.

Bath Time for Riley (with Daddy)!!! Isn't that face priceless?!!

Bath Time for Alexis (with Mommy)!!!

And a special section for all the visitors...

Grandma L. with Alexis

Grandpa L. with Alexis (This was exciting since it was very difficult to get Stephen's Dad to hold her - due to his rough hands - The nurses assured him that they would be fine.)

Grandma K. with Alexis

Grandpa K. with Riley

Great Grandma K. with Riley

Great Grandma C. with Alexis

Great Aunt Kathy with Riley

Great Aunt Doreen with Riley

Aunt Shannon with Riley

Uncle Chris (or soon-to-be uncle) with Riley

It has been so exciting to see everyone holding the girls. They do enjoy being held. Unfortunately, we do not have photos of Aunt Kristina and Aunt Mary with the girls since they (the girls) were not cooperating on the day they visited. We hope to get those photos in the near future.
The weeks ahead:
- The girls are working to come off the oxygen and experience less heart rate drops
- The girls should continue to have more bottle feedings
- Hopefully, the girls will come home soon. Mommy and Daddy can't wait!!!!!!


Doreen said...

The picture's are great!!! LOVE them ALL. Especially the BATH one's they are priceless. The girls are getting so big they will be home in a blink of an eye. Ya better get ready!!! Here they Come. My prayers are always with your family. Love Aunt Doreen.

Anna said...

The girls look adorable! The bath pics are definitely precious! I can't believe how big they have gotten already. Sounds like they are coming home soon!

Twin B - 06/14/07

Twin A - 06/14/07

Twins - 04/24/07

And how could this be a baby page without Mommy...

And how could this be a baby page without Mommy...