A New Place....
Alexis Evelyn and Riley Grace were born at 9:11 PM on 8-21-07.
Alexis - 2 pounds 13 ounces and 14 1/2 inches
Riley - 2 pounds 10 ounces and 15 inches
They were born at 28 5/7 weeks. They have strong heartbeats and they are breathing on their own. Riley needed a little additional help with her repiratory system on Wednesday, but is still breathing on her own. There is a 72 hour window the doctors like to use for determining how their health will progress over the next couple months. We should know more by Friday evening. They are expecting the babies to go home by the end of October or early November.
Tuesday started like any other day. Tiffany had a doctor's appointment for an ultrasound. Alexis was low. The doctor asked Tiffany if she started bed rest and then proceeded to tell us that we needed to go directly to the hospital since she was dialated to 3. By the time we got to the hospital (about 1 PM), she was dialated to 4.5. The doctors tried to stop the contractions (which Tiffany could not feel), however the drugs were unsuccessful. At approximately 8 PM, they decided to get our beautiful babies. See the pictures below.
Alexis Evelyn - 8-21-07
Riley Grace - 8-22-07
These are the most gorgeous girls in the whole world. Must take after their Grandma and Grandpa Kane (ha,ha,ha) They are so tiny and sweet but so strong. We are so proud and excited and looking forward to an awesome future with our beautiful new Granddaughters. They are "AMAZING"
The New Grandma and Grandpa Kane
Your girls are beautiful! I am praying for them to go home healthy soon! Congratulations!!
Hi Guys, They are BEAUTIFUL!!! Very small but cute. I will be checking back here offten for my updates. They are going to do GREAT!!!!
Love you guys, matt
Hi guy's I finally got on. I can't wait to see more pictures.Just looking at those two beautiful babies you know there is a God. You two better get ready for when they come home your hands are twiced blessed.Love you all. Great Auntie Doreen,
your girls are beautiful! your family is in our thoughts. Stay strong.
Mary Ellen Upchurch
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