Tiffany is recovering from surgery and we have been spending as much time as possible with our babies in the NICU. Riley was placed on a respirator on Wednesday to help her with breathing and Alexis started feeding (1 CC of milk every 6 hours).
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The respirator came off of Riley at 3 AM. Alexis and Riley had x-rays of their lungs. The results looked good. Both also had heart scans today. We also had the chance to hold our babies for the first time! It was the most exciting moment since their birth!
Tiffany holding Riley
Stephen holding Alexis
Friday, August 24, 2007
The heart scans came back looking good. Riley did have a small hole that was non-life threatening that should close up as her body continues to develop over the next couple months. Both babies also had brain scans today and the results looked good as well. A "Pic" line was put in for Riley today. This helps with feeding and nourishment. Alexis should get hers next week. We also found out that we (Mommy, Daddy, and twins) all have the same blood type. So, Stephen donated blood today in case the babies need a transfusion. Pre-mature babies tend to become anemic and this would be the reason a transfusion would be necessary. The babies were also starting to show signs of jaundice today (in their tests) so they were put under lights to assist in getting rid of this issue.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
We are being discharged from the hospital today. It was a hard morning since we will be leaving, but the babies are not able to come with us. We plan on visiting as much as possible. Alexis is now being fed 1 CC every 3 hours. Riley should begin getting fed tonight (1 CC every 6 hours). There is a chance that Riley will be put back on C-PAP. This is breathing aparatus that will provide a more steady stream of Oxygen to her. She is laboring a little to breath and this will help her out. If this is necessary, it should be used for a short amount of time. The lights for the jaundice were also turned off today since the tests came back with positive results. They are such beautiful babies!!!
Tiffany holding Alexis
Stephen holding Riley
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