Aunt Kristina with Alexis
Uncle Keith with the girls
Grandma Kane with Alexis and her cookie
Daddy with Alexis in the frigid cold on the lake front waiting to get into the Shedd Aquarium.
Mommy and the girls in front of the fish tank.
The girls looking for fish (or as the girls say "fishies")
Riley helping Daddy find fish
Aunt Doreen with Riley
Daddy with Alexis
Valentine's Day gifts for the girls
Grandma Listermann with Alexis
Grandpa Listermann with Riley
Riley sitting in one of her favorite spots...directly in front of the sink on the floor mat (and in front of the heat vent). Not a bad spot until mommy or daddy need to use the sink.
Alexis joining Riley on the floor mat.
Time to take the caterpillar on a trip...
Time to relax...(the girls were just starting to realize that they could relax in their rockers).
Look at that smile...
Now that we have the stairs figured out...what's next?
Kerry's version of playing with the girls.
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