Coming Soon...Check back soon for our new page. A new page is being added since a new sister will be here soon (Due April 28th, 2010). Alexis and Riley along with their sister will be featured on the new page.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Fantastic Month of June (2008)

Our First Father's Day!

Look at the shirt that daddy got from his girls.

Pictures of Alexis and Riley with Daddy

Look at us holding our bottles!

The girls always seem to drink from their bottles with their eyes closed.

NICU Reunion
The hospital had a reunion for all graduates of the NICU in the beginning of June. It was held at the Naperville Children's Museum. The girls really enjoyed their time there!

Do you remember Inger from an earlier blog? Inger was one of primary nurses for the girls. They really liked her too. The picture, unfortunately, tells a different story since they were starting to get hungry. When Riley is hungry, it doesn't matter what is happening since she just wants to eat. We wonder where that comes from????? - Daddy????

We're starting to crawl...

As daddy predicted in an earlier blog posting (dated March 16, 2008), Riley was the first to start crawling. Since these videos were taken, the girls have started to explore the family room (since mommy and daddy keep an eye on them to ensure they don't find themselves anywhere else). Now, the girls seem to create schemes to keep mommy and daddy on their toes.

Postings coming soon!!!!

Look for postings on the following:

- Uncle Chris and Aunt Shannon Wedding pictures
- Our first vacation to the Wisconsin Dells
- 4th of July
- Standing up
- The new play room
- Our vacation to Boyne Falls, Michigan

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Twin B - 06/14/07

Twin A - 06/14/07

Twins - 04/24/07

And how could this be a baby page without Mommy...

And how could this be a baby page without Mommy...