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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Christmas Time in the Listermann House

The Eve of Christmas Eve

Christmas with Stephen's immediate family was celebrated two days prior to Christmas Day. Below are some of the pictures from that day.



Alexis' and Riley's first Christmas present

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was celebrated with Tiffany's family. Below are some of the pictures from that day.

Great Grandma with Alexis

Alexis using Grandpa as a pillow

Great Grandma and Great Aunt Kathy with Riley

Mommy and Daddy with the girls - Look at all those presents!

Great Aunt Kathy, Grandpa & Grandma with the girls

Aunt Shannon and future Uncle Chris with the girls

Great Grandma and Cousin Tommy with the girls

Mommy with Alexis

Mommy with Riley

Great Aunt Kathy with Riley

Christmas Day


Look Mom and Dad - We are ready to open our presents!



Our attempt at a family Christmas photo - Kerry didn't cooperate very well as she decided to look out the window instead of smiling for the picture.

Daddy reading to the girls - Not sure if they were as interested at this point as they were pretty tired from opening all of their gifts.

The Big Party

Grandpa with both girls

Santa came to visit again - How exciting!!

Aunt Mary, Mommy and the girls

Cousin Julie with Riley

Cousin Linda with Alexis

Grandma with Alexis

Great Aunt Kathy with Riley

Grandma and Grandpa with the girls

Grandma and Grandpa with all their grandchildren

Great Aunt Marie with Alexis

Cousin Amanda with Alexis

Great Uncle Harry with the girls. He was a little nervous, can you tell?

Well, the girls didn't make it any easier and Great Aunt Kathy needed to come help calm them down.

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Twin B - 06/14/07

Twin A - 06/14/07

Twins - 04/24/07

And how could this be a baby page without Mommy...

And how could this be a baby page without Mommy...